The "Advance Social Science Archive Journal" (ASSAJ) is committed to publishing original and high-quality research that adheres to the highest ethical standards. This policy outlines ASSAJ's stance on plagiarism and related academic misconduct to ensure the integrity and credibility of published research.
2. Definitions
Plagiarism: The act of presenting someone else's work as your own, without proper attribution or permission. This includes verbatim copying, paraphrasing without citation, and claiming ideas or findings that belong to others.
Self-plagiarism: Reusing substantial portions of your own previously published work without proper attribution.
Ghostwriting: Paying someone else to write your paper or research without disclosing their contribution.
Fabrication: Inventing data or results that were not obtained through legitimate research methods.
Falsification: Manipulating data or results to support a particular hypothesis or conclusion.
3. Policy Statement
ASSAJ considers all forms of plagiarism and academic misconduct to be serious offenses. Any manuscript submitted to the journal that is found to violate this policy will be subject to immediate rejection and potential further action, including:
Notification of the author's institution and relevant academic authorities.
Publication of a retraction or correction notice in the journal.
Banning the author from submitting future manuscripts to ASSAJ.
4. Author Responsibilities
Authors submitting manuscripts to ASSAJ are responsible for:
Conducting original research and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of their data.
Citing all sources used in their work properly and ethically.
Disclosing any conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research.
Obtaining proper permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.
Avoiding self-plagiarism by clearly attributing their own previously published work.
5. Detection and Prevention
ASSAJ utilizes various tools and methods to detect plagiarism and academic misconduct, including:
Cross-referencing submissions against published literature databases.
Using text-matching software to identify potential plagiarism.
Consulting with subject-matter experts to assess the originality and validity of research.
Name of Journal: The Research of Medical Science Review