Human Capital Management: Can Accounting Capture the Value of Our Most Important Asset


  • Dr. Aurangzeb Khan Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)


In today's knowledge-based economy, human capital is increasingly recognized as an organization's most valuable asset. However, traditional accounting methods often struggle to accurately capture and reflect the true value of this intangible asset. This article explores the challenges and opportunities associated with accounting for human capital, examines the limitations of current accounting standards, and discusses emerging approaches and technologies that can help us better understand and measure the value of our most important asset. Human Capital Management (HCM) is a critical aspect of organizational success, as the value of human capital surpasses that of any other asset. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities in accounting for human capital, aiming to answer the question: Can accounting effectively capture the value of our most important asset? The study delves into various accounting models, metrics, and methodologies used to quantify and measure human capital. It critically evaluates the limitations of traditional financial reporting in reflecting the true worth of the workforce and suggests innovative approaches to bridge the gap between human capital and accounting. Recognizing the significance of human capital in the knowledge-based economy, this research emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in accounting practices to better account for the intangible value that employees bring to an organization.




How to Cite

Dr. Aurangzeb Khan. (2023). Human Capital Management: Can Accounting Capture the Value of Our Most Important Asset. `, 1(01), 27–32. Retrieved from


