Critical hermeneutical approach has been used to understand the notion of consciousness in Advaita Vedanta. After analyzing the notion of Consciousness, we have developed our understanding about the notion of consciousness from the view point of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita Vedanta - non-dual vedanta - insists there is one consciousness, one consciousness shining through all of us. It has been analyzed that no western theory namely Panpsychism is similar to Advaita Vedanta while interpreting consciousness. However, consciousness in Panpsychism is as fundamental as an atom. Whereas the notion of Consciousness in Advaita is more profound as consciousness is not only all pervasive but there is matter appears in consciousness. It is not a second reality apart from consciousness, so consciousness is non-dual, no second thing apart from consciousness, hence, it is absolute. After deep digging the meaning of consciousness, two key misconceptions have also been cleared up. First one is that vedanta is the central philosophy of Hinduism and it belongs to a dogma or religion. But there is something unique about Advaita vedanta, it is not religion or dogma as it is generally understood that you have to believe in something, faith in something, not at all. It is quite the opposite, it is rather understanding and realizing something. The second misconception is that Consciousness is an Object. It is not an object rather it is the one in which everything is happening, it is all pervasive. It is evident that in Eastern wisdom, spiritualistic approach is often use to understand consciousness whereas in Western philosophy, scientific approach is used to understand consciousness.
Keywords: Consciousness, Advaita Vedanta, Panpsychism, Critical Hermeneutics, Eastern wisdom